Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Promising Research Position

Reasearch Design Methods The business world today is different from the business world ten years ago . The business environment is increasingly filled with uncertainty and the relationship between players in an even stronger business . The greater the uncertainty , the company actually face greater risks . Then , how to reduce this uncertainty ? Only answer is to have the right information . Information to help companies avoid the risk of unwanted . No wonder today's large companies have their own research departments . Some others , choose to use the services research firm . Those who have their own research departments are also not uncommon to use the services of research firms to supplement the information they need .

To meet the demand for research services it is not surprising that current research work in the field is so promising . In the U.S. alone the average salary of a researcher is at $ 67.500 per year , while the average for the Asia Pacific region over USD 30 million / month . Large companies such as Nielsen research services reached record sales of $ 5,612 million dollars in 2012 . This made the Nielsen company ideal for those who want to work in the research industry .

If you are interested in working in the following research industry several positions in research departments :

1 . Vice President of Marketing Research
Is the highest position in the company's research . VP in charge of all the marketing research process and act as a top management . VP determine which define the purpose of the research department .

2 . Research Director
A senior position in the field of research , research director responsible for the development and execution of all research projects .

3 . ASSISTENT Director of Research
An administrative assistant research director and supervises a number of research staff .

4 . ( Senior ) Project Manager
Party is responsible for the design, manufacture and management of a project implentasi research .

5 . Statistician / Data Processing Specialist
Responsible person as an expert theory and application of statistical techniques . Responsibilities include designing the research design , data processing and data analysis .

6 . Senior Analyst
Position to participate in the development of projects and directs the execution phase of a research project research . Senior analyst in performing their duties will relate to many analysts , junior analysts , and other personnel in preparing the research design and data collection .

7 . Analyst
An analyst is to handle the details of the implementation of a research project . Analysit a duty to design and conduct the pretest questionnaire and conduct a preliminary analysis of the data before it is given to a senior analyst .

8 . Junior analyst
In addition there is also usually a junior analyst analyst . Junior analyst to handle routine tasks such conduct a secondary data analysis , editing and coding questionnaires , and make a statistical analysis of the sample .

9 . Director of fieldwork
This position is responsible for selecting , training , supervising, and evaluating the interviewer ( interviewer ) and other field workers .

10 . Operational Supervisor
Generally this position is filled by new graduates ( fresh graduate ) . This position is responsible for overseeing the operational activities such as fieldwork research , to edit the data , coding ( coding ) and may also be involved in processing and analyzing the data .

Although the work in the research department of the diverse but each position has a special specification . For example , for the position of Statistician should have good statistical skills . Then research director and vice president than ahrus have the ability in the field of statistics should also have the ability manejemen and leadership skills .

After reading the above if you're interested in working in the field of research ? If yes , here are some things you need to do to prepare you for work in the field of research :
  • Follow the lessons on the research and statistics . This statistical science background will greatly help you when you are working in the field of research .

  • Develop computer skills and your understanding of the internet . If you understand the language development programan will be more value for you . This is because the software used for data analysis software that is not " instant " means that we must enter the command in order to get the results of the statistical analysis .

  • If you can , take a class or learn also the sciences of psychology , sociology , economics , and the sciences that relate to human behavior . Why ? Because generally in social research which is the object of research is human behavior .

  • Creative thinking . creativity

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